
Rae Missigman & Sandi Keene present their biggest, most involved project ever created. This is the one that almost broke them. It’s that big! This greatly anticipated class meets the needs of the modern storyteller, art creative and record keeper. Sandi & Rae redesigned the method for documenting and expressing our narrative.
Twenty step by step videos with 200+ minute of demos, instruction, tips & hacks, shopping tours and assembling the best portable work station you have ever seen. Just as we do in our best selling class, Pocket Journals, we will build your Pocket.doc from scratch.
Downloads, checklists, art elements -oh my! We have created a 25 page e-book housing a crazy amount of downloads, PDFs and At A Glance check-lists to give you all the choices. Fire up your printer!
Community? Oh yeah, we know how important this is so we have opened a private Facebook group where you can share ideas, inspiration and downright brilliance with your fellow Pocket.docers. #startingamovement Instagram is our perfect place for daily sharing of completed works of art #pocketdoc #pocketdocmania @sandikeene @raemissigman #lookatthis
Is that all? Nope! We will be offering additional downloads, techniques, flip-throughs and more throughout the year while we all work together in our Pocket.docs
Pocket.doc - a little place for the big things in your life
See what students are saying :
*Susan- “Pocket doc is brilliant!! Now I don’t need to have so many notebooks/journals for each topic!! I am really missing using photos of my family and life alongside creativity and art. I love the idea of documenting books read, shows watched and lists as well as goals. I’m so excited to start this project!”
* Leigh- “I’m watching several videos each night and find myself talking out loud to you ladies and sharing in the laughter! I am also shaking my head in amazement at your creativity and the wonderful details of your lessons.”
*Shirl- “I am absolutely loving Pocket.doc. I love the way it is fun to make but also is amazing as a memory maker!”
*Gilly - “I am loving this course…a simple idea brilliantly put together. I’ve only had my Pocket.doc a few days yet it already means so much to me, thank you Sandi & Rae”